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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Good Days

Yes, actually, we do have good days. Today was one particularly shining example!

We have spent the day with a friend of mine who has two boys of similar age to my older 2. All three of my boys adore the eldest of hers and there have been repeated calls to go visit for days. Today we went and all FIVE boys played, and played, and played.

We sat and drank tea and discussed business. The kids got on with being kids and making a huge mess, but there was almost NO fighting! Only one incident the whole day and my eldest special guy coped just fine and did not get excessively aggressive given the provocation.

We cooked sausages on the barbeque.

We went to the park and fed the fish and the sea gulls and the four eldest played on the roundabout.

We came home with tired, but happy kids.


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