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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We have a loose tooth!

Yep, Oneson has his first loose tooth, much to everyone's suprise. It is the bottom left of the middle front incisors.

It came loose last Thursday whilst he was using his teeth to attempt to prize apart parts of a plastic construction toy (no, NOT Lego). It happened at afterschool care. I heard the scream from the next room where I was gathering his belongings and I raced in to his room to find him screaming, blood pouring from his mouth, and everyone looking shocked. His carer couldn't get near him and was rather ineffectually offering tissues. The other kids didn't know what had happened and Oneson was too distressed to communicate at all.

I asked the carer for an ice cube of icey pole for Oneson to suck on to stop the bleeding and set about consoling and comforting. Once calm, it turned out in typical Autistic style, he wasn't bothered by the obvious things like pain and blood. He was TERRIFIED of loosing a tooth!

After I'd explained this is all perfectly normal and a good thing on account of the appearance of the tooth fairy, Oneson then remembered an episode of Charlie and Lola he'd seen on ABC Kids that explained all about loosing baby teeth and the tooth fairy.

Now of course, he is running up to strangers in the street and declaring proudly "I've got a loose tooth!".

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