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Monday, August 13, 2007

Their cute little ways

This post
got me thinking.

My ASD fella doesn't have many cute ways of saying things - he has a huge vocabulary, mostly correctly pronounced. Fluency is his problem - so a whole sentence can take several run-ups with a few stops and starts and often an impatient mother saying "So, are you going to finish that sentence?". Often, he fails to finish his sentences - the thought is long gone and he's on to the next thing.

It's No.2Son that has all the cute ways of saying things. He is finally growing out of having 'axe-dig-a-nents' (accidents) and calls his older brother by his proper name instead of 'damn-em' and he now eats spaghetti instead of 'pass-ghetti'.

No.3Son is starting with few, but nothing too distinctive yet. He way of saying 'yi' for yes is very cute.

1 comment:

Maddy said...

Spectrum, spectrum,spectrum.
Best wishes