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Friday, August 31, 2007

Expelled from daycare/preschool

Completely out of the blue our special guy has been expelled from his private preschool/daycare centre for being 'violent and aggressive with peers and staff'. We are shocked, bewildered, devastated, angry...

As far as we know he has become slightly rougher over the past few weeks - pushing and shoving, mostly. As mentioned in a previous post, as far as we're concerned this is his autistic response to their staff changes. He certainly isn't anywhere near as bad as he was when he first went there.

In fact, it was all the more shocking because I have been celebrating just how well he's been doing at home. His behaviour at the stables on the weekend and at my best friend's house with her two boys was just superb - yes, squeeling, hand flappping and toe running, but no violence beyond the usual push and shove of 5 year old friends and siblings.

Anyway, here we sit, with no family near by to help out to give us any respite and no daycare (we live in an area where there's more demand than supply for daycare places). He's not 'bad enough' to qualify for special education placement. He's not 'normal enough' to cope in mainstream.

Please Help

If you'd like to help, visit my business team's blog post
We are not asking for charity. We'd like you to help by taking the opportunity my business team offers to help yourself.

Not only do I want to hire a teacher to 'home educate' this bright special boy, but I want to seek peers - a group of up to half a dozen - who are also falling through the crack - shunned from mainstream, but not severe enough to qualify for special school.

Having fixed the immediate educational and social needs of my son, I then want to continue to grow and build the first fully self-funding specialist school for autistic and ADHD right here on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I don't know what form this will take yet - traditional school with grounds and building, or non-traditional small groups being 'home schooled' with a private fully qualified teacher, or some other solution I haven't even thought of yet.

There are schools for Autistics in the area, but they are private, fee paying schools. One is to be built soon - fees AFTER government assistance are expected to be in the order of AUD$12,000 per year per child.

I want a totally different system where the fees are $0!

So once again,
Please Help
visit my business team's blog post

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