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Monday, March 10, 2008

Alison Ouellette 2 half-day workshops - 19 March 2008

Part 1: Everybody wants a place to call home

This event will be most helpful for people with a disability who are considering or have just made the decision to move into a home of their own and for family members, friends, support workers and others who are assisting the person to achieve this.

Part 2: How to help you son or daughter start a small business

This event will be most helpful for people with a disability who are considering or have just made the decision to set up a small business and for family members, friends, support workers and others who are assisting the person to achieve this.

Cost for either workshop $20 for people with disabilities or their family members.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Adriana Taufik on 3211 5700 or

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