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Thursday, April 17, 2008

The power of words

Anyone caring for a person with special needs will relate to this - you have to know the right words to say to the right people at the right time to get what you need!

Example 1:-
I called Commonwealth Carer's Respite and asked "Can I have someone to care for my son with Autism?". The reply was "No, we can't help".

I spoke to some fellow carers at a community support house and was told "They can and will. The words you need are "I'm a full time carer and I need respite".

I rang Commonwealth Carer's Respite again and used the suggested words and lo! we are now registered and eligible to use their services should we need them!

Example 2:-
I rang my son's Paediatrician "Can I have an appointment please? My son needs re-verification for school". "Sure, but the earliest appointment is 4 months away".

A month goes by and I mention it to Oneson's case manager at school "Sod that!" she says "I need that verification done sooner and you guys need a medication and behavioural management review before your family falls appart". So she rang and said the necessary words. Within an hour I had a call from the Paediatrician's office "I've moved a few things around and found you an hour slot, can you cope until next Wednesday? Is that soon enough?".

The moral of the story:-
If you're asking for help and it feels like you're banging your head on the brick wall, try asking other people in similar situations what they did and said to get the help they needed. Remember, you're often dealing with government agencies and beaurocracies; maybe you just aren't using the right words.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Autism Gold Coast Annual Fund Raiser

THIS COMING Saturday 5 April

Autism Gold Coast is holding its annual fundraiser

~ a Sausage Sizzle at Harvey Norman Bundall ~

from 9am until 2pm.

We need some volunteers to do the cooking & customer service.

We need 3-4 people for each session.

9am-12noon or 12noon-2pm

Can you spare us 2-3 hours of your time?

Dads? – Mums? – Teenagers? – Helpful People?

The money raised on this day goes towards paying

the annual Public Liability Insurance fee of $900pa.

RSVP asap by Email or Phone: 07 5559 1747

(Please leave a message if the phone is unattended.)

Any assistance from families and community supporters is welcomed

and most appreciated by the Management Committee!

ASD Support Group Meeting

The APRIL Coffee’n’Chat

ASD Support Group Morning Tea

will be held this coming

Wednesday 2nd April, 10am – 12 noon

Currumbin Community Special School

GUEST SPEAKER: Earl from Job Jogga’s

will give us a demonstration of the very successful Job Jogga's parenting tools.

These picture based fridge magnets are proving popular for children with aspergers and developmental disorders. No nagging, no ticking, stamping or complicated charts ... perhaps Job Jogga's magnets can provide an answer to keep the home running smoothly. Find out at the next coffee n' chat.

Exit 95 – Stewart Rd – off the M1

(exit from right lane)

Turn left into Currumbin Creek Road, then take the first left into Villiers Drive (new Traffic Lights) and

Then right into Hammersford Drive into the school carpark