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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We have play dates!!!!

Never really thought play dates were going to be a big or regular part of life for Oneson, but his social calendar is getting so full I could use a PDA to keep track!

We have a regular after school play date with a much older boy with ASD and his older again sister with ADHD. This has been good for the grown ups because after the initial settling period where the boy and Oneson got to know each other, we've been able to sit back on park benches like 'normal' parents and chat while the kids play.

We now have a new friend, Oneson's age, newly diagnosed, who lives literally round the corner. We have already managed a couple of playdates and there's been no 'settling' period at all. These two beautiful boys have played well together since meeting in their Special Class. Once again, this is as good for the parents as the kids - we have chance to talk to other adults who understand and don't simply think we're the world's worst mothers with no discipline or structure at home!

And tonight, a message on my answering machine from the mum of another of Oneson's Special class mates asking for a play date!!

It is soooo good not to be complete social outcasts! And so good for Oneson to have chance to practise his social skills.

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